Friday, July 3, 2009

Fellow Sojourner

Last night I read my post from Tuesday and I want to make something very clear. We are no longer under the Law. When I reread my thoughts from that morning I felt a touch of bondage to food regulations. I just want to be very clear. Christ fulfilled the Law. In Him is freedom--freedom from performance to gain acceptance.

Food can become such a place of bondage for so many people and the very last thing I want to do is bind you tighter. The point I was trying to make was that God is the giver of wisdom--even in the foods that are best for our bodies. We are free in Christ but as Paul reiterates, does that mean free to sin? Of course not. (see Romans 6:15) We have been given one physical body, why not treat it with a touch of respect and give it foods that make it function optimally. That was my only point. Please hear my heart.

It reminds me of the absolute necessity that we take everything we hear and read back to the Word of God. There are many Bible teachers out there--even ones that I have quoted along the way. But they are human. Yes, hopefully they are seeking after the Lord and submitting to His leading, but people can fail. It is vital that we take everything back to the foundation of God's Word--judging what we are taught against the truth of Scripture. Never take what someone says as truth unless you are certain it lines up with God's will and ways--His heart is firm, faithful, and true.

I read one of my favorite passages this morning. It is from the book of Acts--Acts 5:22-42. The apostles had been arrested and imprisoned, then freed by an angel of the Lord in the night and told to go to the temple and teach. So they obeyed and were soon taken again by the officers and placed on trial before the council. When reminded that they had been asked not to preach in the name of Jesus they replied, "We ought to obey God rather than men."

Likewise, we live for One--Him we are called to obey. This world, even religious elite, may tell us many things to "do" but ultimately our focus need only stay fixed on One. He is our righteous Judge. To know His heart, we must seek after His face. He loves you and me with a perfect love. His plans for you and me are for our good and His glory. He can be trusted with our greatest fears and most tender of hurts.

My hope is that as you read the things I say, your eyes are pointed to the One who is sitting on the throne of heaven. That is my prayer. I am your fellow sojourner showing you where I have found life. Dig deep, friend. Taste and see that He is good. (Psalm 34:8)

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