This passage always gets me. It is both solemn and life-giving--mixed together in a strange concoction that brings peace.
Remember the Israelites were in the wilderness because of their lack of faith and disobedience. Likewise our own lack of faith and disobedience can take us to the wilderness--but God is still there and will lead if we seek after Him.
He led them there to humble and test them. That word "test" in the Hebrew is also translated "prove." They had to go through the wilderness those 40 years to prove, or in a sense refine, their faith. Likewise God may bring trials to humble and test us, that He--and we--may know whether or not we will obey and believe.
He allowed hunger, but not without purpose. In their hunger He fed them with manna (see Exodus 16)--which they did not know--that they may know He is faithful to His word. Likewise He may allow us to hunger--possibly physically, but in our nation more likely emotionally or spiritually--that we may know that His word brings life, healing, and nourishment.
His Word is life to our weary bones and broken hearts. His Word cuts through the calloused places and heals the wounds. It is alive and relevant. Read, meditate, and believe.
Love you, friend.
For further nourishment: Psalm 119--the longest psalm (176 verses) but full of truth regarding the word of God. If you do not have that much time, meditate upon 119:105-112.

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