For a number of months my five year old has been leading the bandwagon of pet desire. First, she declared her need for a guinea pig. My three year old agreed. Then, a few weeks later, she decided on a bird--a zebra finch to be exact. My three year old reluctantly agreed. Next, it was the most adorable cha-weenie dog from our local pet store. My three year old fervently agreed. Finally, it was a bunny. My three year old began picking names. He was going to name his "Ben." All the while my two year old continued practicing his favorite phrase, "I need that."
After some research, my husband and I decided that a bunny would be a good choice for our lively family. So we found a 2 year old bunny named Elvis who needed a new home--and yes he responds to his name. But the most exciting part for my husband and I was the anticipation of giving him to the kids. Even at lunch yesterday--while Salsa music played in the background of our favorite Mexican restaurant--my daughter began the daily begging for a bunny. We glanced at each other with a glimmer of secrecy, so excited that they were clueless of the surprise to come later that day. And while they napped I went to pick him up.
As I met this little guy I thought, "You have no idea of what is to come...poor 'thang.'" Our actively loud home would be drastically different from his previous quiet abode. But I loaded him in the blue bling and brought him home. And the kids were astounded. I'm so glad we captured it on videotape.
It made me think of God--our heavenly Father. It must bring Him such pleasure to give good gifts to His kids. Sometimes He has to say no--like when we ask for a cha-weenie but He knows we are too young to care for it. But when we walk in intimacy with Him, His desires become our desires, and He often answers in the affirmative--even beyond our expectation. Oh how He loves.
I like our little bunny. After the kids went to bed last night I must admit I spent some time alone with him. I gave him a long talk about how proud I was of him for being so patient and enduring much poking and prodding. He sat perfectly still as I pet his soft fur. And as I looked deep into his big eyes it was almost as if I could read his mind, "Woman, you brought me here, please protect me!" I may just be a bunny whisperer.