Monday, January 26, 2009

Forever Faithful

I love the E100 passage today (, mainly because of the last verse.

We read Genesis 37:1-36 about Joseph and how his brothers hated him and eventually sold him into slavery. The coolest part about it is the truth that God's plans could not and cannot be thwarted (I really enjoy using that word "thwarted"). You see, Joseph had two dreams which sparked this hatred from his brothers. He had dreamed that they would eventually bow down to him (which was a prophetic dream from God). And because of this hatred, some of the brothers conspired to have him sold into slavery. But what we read in verse 36 is that "the Midianites (whom the brothers had sold him to) had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard." Did you catch that? Joseph was now in the royal courts.

The reason I love this passage is because of what it reveals about God. God had given Joseph insight into His plan; He had given him promises. And even though Joseph's brothers thought they were destroying Joseph, their actions actually put him closer to the fulfillment of those promises. Are you with me?

There is an enemy. He wants nothing more than to destroy our peace, joy, and trust in the One True God. There is an entire theology I would just love to discuss about the enemy because I am a Bible dork and love to discuss theology (even with my 4 year old; I have to talk to someone!). But for my purposes here I will just say that the enemy has intentions to destroy, but God has intentions for victory; and God is ultimately the One in control!

I have hinted to it in various posts and writings of mine, but 2008 will definitely go down as a year in my life that proclaims this truth. The enemy intended to destroy my marriage and my home, and he gave it a good shot. But God! You see the enemy didn't think (I guess) that I would trust God, seek His will and peace, rest on His promises of strength, and eventually move through this dark valley into victory. He may very well regret his attempts. What the enemy intended to destroy, God intended for good, and for very good.

We will face trials. That is life. It is going to happen. BUT, the question is what are we going to believe in the midst of those trials? Are we going to believe that life is over, there is no hope, things will never change? Or are we going to get down on our knees and seek God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength? Are we going to trust that He is in control and can use every situation, EVERY SITUATION, to His glory if we look to Him for truth in the midst of seeming chaos. That is what Joseph did. In fact we read a little further in Genesis 39:23 that the Lord was with Joseph and whatever he did the Lord made it prosper.

I am not saying this is the easy route to take. There are going to be hard moments. I can think of many times where I questioned God and what He had allowed. But He has proved that when it seems everything is stripped away, He is forever faithful.

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