Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Tiny Scratch

God is so very uncontainable. The closer I get to Him, the more I realize that what I "know" is a tiny scratch on the surface of His immeasurable character. His grace astounds me. His mercy humbles me. His love strengthens me. His patience motivates me. His wisdom overwhelms me. His infinity confounds me. His near-presence awes me.

Praise You Lord!

As I was spending time with Him this morning, reading from the book of Joel, I was reminded of His great purposeful interaction in this life. He is not removed from sorrow. He is not unaffected by immorality. He is there, and right here. His ways are high above us and completely multi-faceted. Yet He cares for your and my days, hurts, struggles, and victories. He is invested in our becoming--our maturing. He has abundance to give.

If we are here, on this dusty earth, then He has a purpose you and me. If you call Him "Father, Daddy" then He calls you "my child." He is working--even when we cannot see. He is able--even when we don't know how. He is faithful--even when we are not. He is worthy of our praise.

This day, whom will you and I serve? Nothing else will fill those cavernous gaps. No one else will lovingly heal those hollow places. Seek His face and find peace everlasting. Oh, how He loves us! Dance before Him, friend!

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