Monday, January 4, 2010


Amidst the continual loads of laundry, smelly diapers, and uncreative meal plans, lately I have been pondering the sovereignty of God. A light topic, I know. And yes, my kids do sometimes look at me like I'm crazy. But my spirit cannot break away. This God of Hebrew history cannot be contained. I have been wrestling for a meager understanding of His ways, and the deeper I press into Him the further still He draws. My mind just may explode. So I better type quick.

Do you believe He is sovereign--that He rules over every detail of your life? It seems to me there is no place quite as restful. To trust that this God--this God who is love, is faithful, is merciful, is gracious--reigns supreme over every detail of our lives; is there a place of greater rest? Believing that even His allowances of difficulty in the lives of those who love Him have been with glorified purpose rather than thinking we live at the mercy of cellular deterioration or moral failure. Rest there.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will...(yet) you are if more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29, 31) He reigns in love. Here is His promise: cry out to Him and He will lavish Himself upon you; delve into His Word and ask Him to make it alive in your spirit. But take cover, your brain may explode.

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1 comment:

Amber said...

I'm totally with you on this one. My brain and heart almost explode some days and my little audience members are often left with a dazed look in their eyes :) I love that God has given us blogs now so we can share His work and insight- amazing!

Here's some more food for your thoughts. I just started reading a blog last night of a dad who's teenage boy has cancer. he is a deep thinker and has shared so much over the past 2 years.

One of his thoughts was that diseases like pediatric cancers exist for a purpose. They are completely curable and the pieces of the puzzle are all there, but God is waiting for His people to play their role in volunteering, giving, funding, helping, and giving Him the glory. He is calling us to greatness, to be a part of His miracles. God lets people suffer so that others may comfort, feed, clothe, heal, and love them. Really makes you think.

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