Sunday, May 16, 2010

from me, to you?

From: me--a girl passionate for the Body of Christ to rightly handle God's Word and reflect His power
To: you--my dear, fellow brother or sister in Christ struggling with homosexuality

Disclaimer: This post is based upon the tenet that God has spoken through His Word; and His Word is both reliable and authoritative.

I'm a little scared of this one. Mainly because I have never written on such a controversial topic.

I just read an article published in the NY Times on Friday regarding the big revealed "secret" of Ray Boltz. To give you a brief synopsis, he was a Christian singer/songwriter who publicly came out in 2008. He has now resumed his career with a new album called "True." His lover serves as his agent. And his producer and opening act are both Christians who have also come out. These are simply the facts as presented in the article. Just the facts.

So why did I want to respond? Hmmm, maybe I am a glutton for punishment. Or maybe I just burn for God's word to be rightly represented.

Here's my thing. If you are a fellow brother or sister, and you are struggling with homosexuality, then I challenge you to take God at His Word. He guides us "sheep" for our own good and His ultimate glory, out of His immense love for His creation. And from the springboard of this uncontainable love, He desires His own to walk their days in abundance.

As we step outside of the boundaries He graciously set--whether physically or just mentally--we enter into unprotected territory. A realm where our feet tread upon hazardous ground.

Please hear my heart. I have not personally waged the internal battle with homosexuality. However, I have wrestled with this flesh and its contrary desires. Desires that if fulfilled would lead down paths of heartache and destruction. And I have experienced God's ability to break the chains that entangle. He has proven Himself faithful to redeem.

If I am speaking to you, then press deep into the Lord and hear His heart of love for you--His heart of blessing. He has joy unspeakable planned for those who set their face fully upon Him. Seek biblical counsel. There is a road to freedom through Christ. That's why He died.

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