There is this aspect of our Maker that comforts and strengthens me regardless of my day. He cannot be crammed into a box. His ways cannot be perfectly defined. But in His grace and love, He has revealed a portion of Himself to His creation.
And Jesus was not plan B.
The sin of man does not make Him reevaluate. The tactics of the enemy do not cause Him to stumble. This God on High, who spoke the worlds into existence, is sovereign.
He knows the beginning from the end. He understands my sitting down and my rising up. He has my every day written in His book. Nothing catches Him off-guard.
Our Savior Jesus was not plan B.
The victory over our days--the quiet space where joy arises regardless--only exists by faith in this sovereign Father. It is unexplainable and impossible to follow its exact path. But resting in Him--stirring up Truth in our depths--causes peace to arise from seeming chaos and joy to spring up from the ashes.
Bring it into your moments, friend. We serve a trustworthy King. Jesus the Christ was not plan B.

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