Wednesday, October 6, 2010

P31P, day 4, v. 13

We feed them and they keep growing. Too often I don my kids in last season's attire to find they are ready for flood waters. I can barely keep up. Imagine if I actually had to weave their next outfit from raw-natural fibers. Scary thought.

The Proverbs woman seeks and creates. She willingly puts one foot in front of the other, without whining or complaining. Without necessary coercion.

But I like to ask, "Why?" What's beneath? What lies at her core?

She moves out of love.

Through transformed vision, she sees the needs of those closest to her. And she remains available. He then uses her in His provision. Her hands become His as she covers her loved ones with clothing, woven by willing fingertips from a heart of love.

Bottom line: buy a loom and learn to weave? Not quite.

Rather, in the overflow of walking in His Spirit, self diminishes and a servant's heart arises. As He fills us full, His love will then spill forth through these willing hands.

Only in the overflow, sister-friends.

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