Monday, December 6, 2010

battle plan against hoplessness

Hopelessness over a thing can weigh heavy. I recently battled it in my own spirit.

Awaiting the fulfillment of a promise, falling into that same old place of sin, or getting bogged down with regret over a should've or could've--all leads to that heavy hopeless.

Thankfully He remembers that we are a dusty people. Originally crafted from dirt.

photo by ymmit22

When hopeless enters, the enemy attacks. When he sees the tears of impatience welling up, he whispers lies that insist upon our being forsaken.

Deceiving with a banter of hopelessness.

But here we have choice. Hope arises on the wings of Truth. We choose to remember the character of our God, His faithfulness in the past, and His unfailing promises. And we recite those things out-loud.

Remember. Out-loud.

My kids know when mommy needs a minute because I start preaching out-loud. When I need Truth to invade those spaces being pressed with lies, I sneak into the laundry room and hold revival.

If hopelessness weighs down, choose to remember our God--out-loud--and believe Him faithful to move again and again and again. Hope will rise.

Bringing it home...

Are you hopeless over a thing?

What character traits of our God or promises from His heart can you proclaim out-loud so that hope will rise?

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