Thursday, December 2, 2010

my near collision with the ground

by jotusico

I about bit the dust in the grocery store yesterday. With a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a box of Life cereal in the other, I took eight steps in slow motion while flailing to prevent my teeth from meeting with the floor. It was movie-quality drama mixed with gymnastic brilliance. Miraculously I never fully fell.

OK, I admit it. Those so-cute boots instigated the event. The heel is only an inch tall but the soles are as slick as ice. Did I mention how cute the boots are? In the matter of seconds, material was captured on the hidden cameras that could win someone millions.

When I reached the end of the aisle, I limped to the cashier while swiping my hair from my eyes and straightening my clothes. And by the time I made it to the parking lot, the laughter overtook me. It was hilarious.

Unfortunately by late afternoon the pain set in and by dinner I couldn't even walk. In fact I have been crawling.


I stopped. I had to. I left the laundry sitting patiently in the dryer. My man ordered pizza. And my foot stayed elevated.

My kids were precious. The doctored me, cuddled with me, brought me my plate, and snuggled on the floor before bedtime. They even had sympathy pains and practiced their hopping on one foot.

And (you know me) I cannot help but hold this instance up next to the Truth of my God.

Obviously He allowed it. He doesn't say "oops" or "oh, man, how did that happen?" He didn't push me down, but the movement of my feet were not outside of His realm of control.

He is God.

He is sovereign,



and motivated by love.

I actually think He held me up so my face didn't break against the concrete.

So if He allowed it, then I believe there is something I can learn from this slowing down. Something that is for my good and His ultimate glory.

I want Him to invade my every moment. I want Him to change my perspective based upon His unchanging character.

So. I choose to trust and rejoice in today, even if I have to walk on my knees to get where I need to go. Even if I will be in the doctor's office by 9 a.m. to get an x-ray.

(Oh, and, all this looking at my feet makes me see how desperate I am for a pedicure. Maybe later.)

Bringing it home...

I know this ankle-thing is a trite example compared to some of the life and death, heart-excruciating pains we go through on this earth. But regardless, God remains the same.

How could meditating on the character of our God change your perspective regarding a certain situation you currently face?

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