Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Satiated with Stuff

Do you ever feel like stuff if surrounding you? Just stuff...everywhere. From knickknacks to entertainment venues to containers holding more stuff. It's everywhere. And I keep buying more. Every time I go to Target I see something else that I need and that I have been looking everywhere for. We are dripping with stuff. But are we happier?

Actually depression is on the rise, divorce is up, teen suicide has never been as rampant (in 2007 alone one report says that the rate of suicide for 10-24 year olds increased by 8%, see http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070907221530.htm).

But if we as a society truly have "everything" then why are we so unhappy?

The reason is so simple yet so easily forgotten amongst the stuff. We are trying to fill the gap with things of this world. We are setting our eyes on things and people that cannot truly satisfy the longings of our hearts. The truth is that nothing this world has to offer is stable. Stuff can be destroyed, lost, or stolen. People will disappoint, hurt, and forget. Only God can fill the void. Only eyes set on Him brings lasting peace, even amongst chaos. The reason? He is faithful and His character unwavering.

Will I still buy stuff? Yes, probably even today. But I want my eyes set on things that are eternal: loving my God and loving those He has placed in my path. Then the stuff loses some of its luster.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok you have me hooked. I can hardly wait to read your blog everyday. You have such Godly wisdom and are a inspiritation to me. I sure am glad that Adam has you and glad I am your friend. Makes me feel special to know you are in my family so to speak.

God bless us
Granny B

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