Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Temporal Affections

I like a clean house. I know, probably everyone enjoys a tidy home, but I seriously have a problem. Having kids has revealed my issue; and God is graciously breaking me and giving me His priorities in the moments of life. Why do I confess my weakness? (Don't be deceived; if this were as bad as it gets I would be so close to continual victory.) I share because I know where some of my "affections" actually live.

This morning in 2 Corinthians 6 Paul says to the church at Corinth, "You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections." What is he saying? Paul was explaining that it wasn't a yoke of bondage that Christianity brought to the neck of believers, actually restrictions came by our own affections--those things we label "important." If we held the affections of God in our day to day, then we would experience the freedom Christ died to give.

I can tell when it starts to happen in me. I will be free and "messy" with the kids, then my eyes will scan the downstairs and the battle will ensue, "It's OK, Lara, all of this will clean up later. Right now it is more important to spend time with these little gifts. Right now is the time to engage, teach, love, and impress upon. Let it go. Let it go." How ridiculous is that?

In essence when our eyes move from things eternal to things temporal, our affections change as well. And as Paul explains, our freedom in Christ is often restricted by our affections. He continues with the instruction that we not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, "For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?"

He isn't instructing us as Christians to live in a bubble--never ministering to those who don't know the Lord. But when it comes to being "yoked together with"--those with whom you and I are intimate--He says to yoke yourselves together with other believers. They will hopefully hold your same affections.

My example above is quite superficial. The truth is that many temporal affections restrict our freedom. The question becomes, what holds your and my affection? Is it alcohol, lust, wealth, the outward appearance, even the desire to have an easy life? Or is it Christ Himself? Placing our affection anywhere other than upon the One who gives true life will always lead to bondage. May His desires for our moments become our desires this day.

He loves you, friend.

For further nourishment: 2 Corinthians 6

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