Friday, November 13, 2009

A Lost Discipline

Sometimes I delve into issues that deserve much more space than a brief blog post. This is one of those issues. This morning I am pondering the lost discipline of fasting.

Before your body goes into convulsion at the thought of not eating your favorite casserole tonight or not drinking that much "needed" cup of coffee in the morning, let's just look at this thing and see what Jesus had to say...briefly.
  1. Jesus assumed that His followers would fast, "when you fast." (see Matthew 6:16-17)
  2. Further, He assumed his followers would fast once He ascended into heaven (see Matthew 9:14-17). In this text He associated fasting with mourning--literally a mourning to be with Him again.
  3. He instructed followers to fast in secret--not seeking the praise of man, rather the reward of God.
  4. It appears that there are some evil strongholds that cannot be cast out except with fasting and prayer. (See Matthew 17:14-21) Why? I don't know. I am still praying for wisdom on this one. I hover around the truth that only He can destroy massive strongholds of the enemy. But like I said, I am still praying for clarity.

Fasting is an outward discipline that is meant to reveal an inward longing. A longing that yearns, "Father, I want You more than any physical pleasure. I want You more than any sinful desire. You alone can break the chains of bondage. You are my Bread. Fill me."

Before I close let me make something very clear. I am not addressing this to bring any load of guilt upon you or add to your list of "to-dos," rather I have been seeking the Lord in my own life and for my own clarification regarding fasting. So really, you are just getting a view of my own dialogue with our Lord.

Feast on Him.

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