Monday, July 5, 2010

that's my King

I am playing at the beach this week with my family and friends but I wanted to take a minute to say hi to you. So, "hi!" I also wanted to share what I meditated upon this morning before the house starts teaming with activity.

A word by Dr. Tony Evans left me thinking on one statement, "Revival begins when the reality of God becomes real to the experience of His people."

If you have been reading for a while then you know my heart beats for "revival" among God's people. That we as His people would walk in power, love, and freedom. He. is. worthy of that. So this phrase from Dr. Evans lingered on me.

When the reality of God becomes real to (our) experience.

This God we long to know is so very real. He is beyond our comprehension yet He graciously reveals aspects of Himself to us finite humans. Amazing.

So let's look at our Maker's face. Let's seek after Him and allow the reality of who He is to meet up with our experiences in the moments. He cares about the tiniest of details. I love you fellow-sojourner. Get into His Word and press on.


Oh, and here is a little video to get you thinking on His many names. "That's my King. Do you know Him?"

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