We have been dealing with a bunch o' whining in our casa. And whining holds with it the power to vex me to near death. Something about that sing-songy tone. Yeah. So this verse makes all kinds of sense to me on a number of levels.
I have been praying for wisdom. I want His vision. I want to reflect Him in dealing with this verbal-menace. But to be honest, I can conjure up a good whine myself if I really want.
The truth is that our words hold power. They can pour life into another or drain one's very breathe. A sobering thought. But our words reflect our heart.
From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
I want my kids to learn from an early age that the ponderings of their heart and mind will spill out onto their world. They can spill forth life or they can spill out a poisonous concoction of death. Yikes.
But there is another aspect. If I as their mom live in a place of irritation and heart-frustration, then I inevitably add to the curse of our word library. It will be a domino effect of ill-spoken phrases passed between us.
So I want my words to pour life into others, beginning with those inside the four walls of my own home. And it begins with my thoughts. Lord, enable me to bring every thought into the captivity of your love and Truth.
Bringing it home... (A new section on practicalities)
Ask Him to reveal your own thought life towards others--from family to the grocery store clerk. Then ask for His vision to see how those thoughts line up with scripture.
He has given His children the mind of Christ. By faith and in His strength, we can take our thoughts captive to obedience.
Speak His truth out-loud. Believe.
How have you seen this principle play out in your own life? Either in the positive or the unfortunate negative.