Thursday, February 3, 2011

nearing day 40 of my fast {and chocolate}

I have purposefully avoided blogging too often about my fast these past four weeks, so as not to seem...whatever. But as I enter the final 7 days I wanted to take a moment to share how He has faithfully rained down and what He has taught in the process.

photo credit - HDC Photography

  1. Fasting affects things. Not in the sense that fasting manipulates our God into action. That would be ridiculous. But fasting, combined with the intentional seeking of His will, affects--probably my own wayward heart. When we lay down things of the flesh in pursuit of the ultimate Bread, He fills. He rains.

  2. He has specific plans for His children. He is Father. When He designed you and me, He did so with purpose. And He desires that we know those plans through intimacy with Him. As we His children look up to Him for direction, pressing into Him for wisdom, He bends down and answers.

  3. He makes hearts tender. He has been transforming mine. He has given me clearer vision to see and understand those next to me. He has knit a deeper love for my man and my kids in the quiet places of my own heart. And He has stirred an unexplainable longing for those I do not even personally know, but am blessed to minister to.

  4. He may impress upon you to do something seemingly crazy-radical. My advice? Just do it. Walls may fall down.

  5. He is bound to His promises. If He said it, then it will come to pass. By His very nature He is bound by His words. When He speaks a promise, our victory in the waiting comes in believing with fervency that one day that thing will happen.

  6. (Most of all) HE IS GRACE. He is grace. There have been days that I have not been as purposeful, where I did not set aside that specific time to pray in the afternoon. (GASP!) But our God remembers we are dust. He sees us perfectly and responds to the ultimate desire of our heart to honor Him.

  7. Lastly, chocolate must be a gift from Him. Yes, it's true. I am looking forward to that handful of M&M's. I may even put them on top of a huge, cheesy slice of pizza.

If He leads you to do something that seems odd or insane in the eyes of the world, run fast after Him. He is always working, friend. Always. Faith leads to great reward in Him.

Bringing it home...

Has He ever led you to do something that may have sounded crazy in human terms? If you followed through, what was the result?

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