I open the freezer...
Thought life deteriorates...
Phone rings. It's Adam. I answer with a chip on my shoulder and the conversation goes downhill from there.
Our thoughts affect. They impress upon our attitudes and feelings. If we allow our minds to wander--uncontrolled and unregulated--then we will find ourselves believing lies. Mark it down.
The debate isn't whether or not the war exists. The question is whether or not we are engaged in the battle.
He empowers us to bring our thoughts into captivity to obedience.
(See 2 Corinthians 10:4-6)
Awareness is key. We must know our thoughts to take them captive. Begin by asking Him to reveal your thought life, but be prepared for a sobering assessment. I did this a couple of years ago and the revelation floored me. Negative, critical thoughts consumed my mind. Especially towards my man.
Once we know our thoughts, we can assess whether they live in the land of obedience. Or not. But to know if they obey, then we must know Truth. More specifically, know the Author of Truth. His heart. His ways. His love.
By His Word.
Only in the power of His Spirit, by faith in His filling, and with the sword of His Word gripped tight in our hands will our minds be taken captive. Captive to obedience.
If thoughts insist upon lies, the replace them with truth. If thoughts condemn, then replace them with blessing. If thoughts criticize, then replace them with intercession. Every single thought. Captive.
The thought pattern detailed above with the "hypothetical" deterioration turns out differently as I engage in the battle...
The phone rings. It's Adam. I respond in love.
Thinking on purpose.
Smooth travels do not necessarily characterize the road in which He directs our feet. He will guide the submitted, listening heart. The one who continually asks in faith for His filling. And if in following His lead the prison gates lock behind us, then in response to the true character of God, we can choose to praise.
Our Father has a plan, for His glory and our good. He sees from beginning to end and knows that which needs shedding from this stubborn heart. I want my often-off-pitch, singing voice to be heard even through prison walls. He is worthy. He can be fully trusted.